Sunday, November 23, 2008

Adultery- how human monogamy is shaped by gender issues and culture

Are humans meant to be monogamous? This issue is one which is constantly debated, though recent increases in adultery statistics seem to support the idea that the human nature is one of promiscuity. Anthropological studies have reported that 80-85% of societies allowed polygamous marriage. It is a well-known fact that the early Mormons practiced Polygamy, with men having multiple wives. This trend is true of many societies; however, most men in such cultures are not able to afford multiple wives, leading the average societal marriage to involve one man and one woman. Why was it never women who had multiple husbands? It seems gender issues shape this practice as well. For those who are religious, it is obvious that adultery is forbidden by the Seventh Commandment and was considered punishable by death (and still is in some parts of the world). However, history has shown that this rule was typically enforced only if a married woman engaging in sex with another man. If it was the man who cheated, it was rarely considered adultery and punished as such.

This raises a very interesting question When looking at America's increasing infidelity and divorce statistics, there still seems to be an issue of gender at play.
According to the electronic article “Adultery: Statistics on Cheating Spouses,” published by Eagle’s Nest Publications, “60-70 percent of adultery victims are women” while “30-40 percent of adultery victims are men.” Is this truly a difference in the biology of the two sexes, or is culture partially to blame? Perhaps these vastly different statistics exist this way because it has historically been more acceptable for men to be unfaithful. Nevertheless, it is impossible to ignore the changing trends of our society. The media bombards us with stories and images of unfaithfulness, in both men and women. The gap in the statistics of cheating is quickly closing. However, though the sexes may be reaching some balance, it seems that the meaning of relationships is greatly changing. Why are monogomous relationships failing? Is it pop culture that is changing our attitudes toward cheating, or is society swinging back to the real biological tendencies of humanity?


pellegr6 said...
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pellegr6 said...

Unfaithfulness is something that I will never be able to understand. It tears families apart and ruins once-good relationships. Is human nature at fault or is society promoting infidelities? I don't think we'll ever know! As much as people seem to be more accepting of men cheating on women, making excuses such as "it's part of their nature", it's total bull. I don't think it's right for anyone to cheat on their partner. But does society disagree? I don't think so. I would assume that most people do not condone cheating.

CaseyCaruso said...

Although there are always stories about unfaithfulness on TV shows, in magazines, in movies, and so forth, I feel as though it does not change peoples attitudes. No matter how many stories I hear on TV shows or how many stories I read in magazines of celebrity husbands cheating on their wife (or vice-versa), I would never come to the terms that cheating is okay. I agree that it seems as though more and more people are getting divorced, especially in the celebrity world,because of cheating on their partner, but that would never change my views on cheating. I will always think it is wrong for someone to cheat on their spouse. Why would you marry someone if you are not going to be faithful?

Marcella Katsnelson said...

Although, in the past, adultery was regarded as only being allowed by males, I think times have changed and both men and women cheat on spouses. Society considers men to be more of cheaters, but women do commit adultery. I agree with the other comments that society has made it seem like men seem to be excused for cheating because "it's part of their nature." However, I think this stereotype is changing to make it more normal for women to cheat as well.